To e-mail Charlotte click here.
After I left school I did a lot of the usual meandering - waitress/travel, polytechnic and then worked for the Tory party for too long and I don't know why except that it involved me in politics which is what fascinated me. I married when I was 33 someone I met while I was a waitress and he was a barman; he's from Leeds and now he's a TV director. We've got two boys - adorable.
In the Quad, 1973.
Photo by Martin.
At reunion, 2000.
Photo by Martin.
After politics, worked for Harvey Goldsmith Entertainments, music business, then at London Lighthouse, centre for people living with AIDS and HIV, then for Jimmy Goldsmith, financier on his political campaign and now I work in an investment bank - again I can't imagine why, I don't know and never have known anything about money.
Martin writes: In 1975 Charlotte's dad invited me to participate in the "East Hampshire for Europe" group. I think I only attended one meeting and probably skived afterwards (another "fade" situation when I think about it now, nearly 30 years later. Am I allowed to apologise now, or is it too late?). I just found the invitation letter in my stack here! Probably Charlotte's dad was having trouble finding a pro-EEC Socialist, which is not surprising in Petersfield in those days, and presumably still now. When I recounted the story, Charlotte e-mailed the following:
Isn't it amazing how the Europe thing has seen all these people change their views. I remember helping Daddy campaign for England to join the Common Market; he had us all wear T shirts saying "Europe or Bust" ! - he was a Tory then, obviously and still is - and now he's vehemently opposed to the Euro etc. And likewise the Socialists are all for joining now - incredible change of heart. I personally couldn't give a damn one way or the other. Its never been an issue which seems that important to me. I love having this polemic so early in the morning - that's the beauty of email!
Outside the library, unknown date. Contributed by Jonny Morris.
Dartmoor (photo from Trish E.)
With Liz Bunster.
Photo from Summer 1973 Chronicle.