Hello to everyone from down here in New Zealand

I haven't seen you for many years, but I have just found the web site after your reunion and it is amazing - Can't get over seeing all those names and faces again after so long - it must have been quite a weekend for you all. I was so sad not to be able to come over when Harriet told me it was on - but them's the breaks. I did make it to the centenary and saw Johnny and Harriet, and apparently Chris was there but I missed him - or didn't recognise him!

I loved reading the e mails on the website - I have such amazing memories of Bedales and every now and then manage to catch up with Harriet when I am in England and we fall about laughing. Sure everyone thinks we are drunk -which we are, on memories not alcohol. Diana and I still write too. I also have past letters from Johnny, Spooky, Greg, a picture of Rosie and Simone, and still reread various letters keeping me up to date with who went with who for quite a while after I left. It helped to soften the blow. Thank you to those of you who did write.

I am now a vet here in New Zealand - in Christchurch, with four children and five acres plus livestock etc. The children are James 17, Kirsty 15, Liam 12 and Alex 9. I am currently involved with training vet nurses at the local polytech which is really fun and keeps me in touch with reality. I get to go places and see things that I thought turning 40 would put an end to.

I still think of you Goony when I eat chilli rice snacks and will always associate you with short jumpers, mini skirts and wide belts and of course flares. Caroline still looks the same and still grinning, and Chris- you look more like your father than I remember! Carolyn hasn't changed a bit but I couldn't get her web address.

I guess my happiest memories are all the dancing, and I see the words for Whiter Shade of Pale are there somewhere - the smoking, the after lights out walkies, cup cakes, boys, friends at Steephurst, and too many others I guess to write down. All I can say is that it was very painful leaving you all so early even though I did intend to return for sixth form. You have NO idea how hard it was to come to this country and mingle with children after Bedales - we forget how much we got to act as adults there. I remember I cried myself to sleep for a long time! Still, NZ is a lovely country - even my parents have returned here to retire, and at the current exchange rate, a cheap holiday!

I do hope you are all well and remember me vaguely at least. Would love to hear from you -

Many thanks to Martin and James for all the work, photos and the videos! You both look much the same as I remember.

By the way, I remember Mark Smith - Mr Juckes married us at Dunhurst in 1969 - but like you I have lost touch with him after our divorce........not long after the wedding as I recall. He wanted to kiss......

My best wishes to you all
Fiona (George) Kent - now Richardson

Click here to email Fiona.