Dunhurst class photo 1967-68.
A Bedales chemistry lesson. That's James in the front row with the beaker. Photo contributed by Jonny Morris.
I left Bedales, and spent 9 months out working for IBM and the Inland Revenue, before spending 3 years reading law at Oxford. These were happy and memorable ones, a large part of the time (as far as one can recall after all these years) being spent bell-ringing and in the pub. After Oxford, I spent a year in London, taking the Bar exams, a further year in pupillage (spent in Hampshire and London) before moving to Bristol in 1982 to practise, where I have remained ever since. The eighteen years in Bristol have been eventful, including marriage (to Penny) and 4 children, now aged from 11 down to 4: inevitably, my time is taken up with work and family.
With Penny 1990. Photo by Jane Marris.
Later, James adds: The website has provided me with considerable interest: but it has provided enormous amusement for the children. They are very delighted with Daddy "looking like a girl" in the chemistry lab. When I pointed out that the whole class picture showed a lot of boys with long hair, they thought it "weird". Uncle Antony's picture (aged 12 or so) "looks like a boy version of Cousin Lucy". For myself, I remain alarmed (as I have ever since the reunion was proposed) at my apparent failing powers of memory. Many of the faces mean nothing to me: even when name captions are given to the people shown in the photos on the site, I have to say that, in some cases, not even a flicker of recognition is sparked. I used to laugh when, reading P.G.Wodehouse, Lord Emsworth (on hearing his own son's name mentioned) would say "Who's Egbert?": now I know how he feels. However, in a sense it does not matter, because so much water has passed under the bridge that one is going to meet people from another lifetime. I look forward to seeing you next weekend - and being entirely irresponsible.
Click here to e-mail James.
Snailmail (as of July 2002):
Orchard House
Old Mitford Road
Bath BA2 7DQ
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Tel. 0117 924 1546
Fax 0117 942 1897