In dorm, summer 1972. Photo provided by Polly Whyte.
Dunhurst class photo 1967-68.
LUCY WHYTE 1957-1984

In many ways it is strange to be writing this, because you all knew her so much better in 6(ii) than I did! However, now that we have all reached 40-something, we have lived a rough 16 years more than Lucy's 27.

But the majority of those years were happy ones, and those were spent at Bedales.

In a way it is unfair to dwell too much on what happened after school, except to say that Lucy remained the kindest, most loving person, which still amazes me considering the internal demons she was having to deal with.

I feel Lucy somehow managed to pack a lot of 'livin' into 27 years, although some of it was pretty scary! (Who was around when she nearly pushed a table off the top floor of the library? Or when the chair went out of the top floor dorm window?) .

I have a very vivid memory of Harriet, heavily pregnant wearing a red coat, and Dan not so pregnant who was wearing something I guess, at Lucy's funeral; and Diney who was trying to get there in time - but you were there in spirit Diney, it meant lots, and thank you.

Meanwhile, there should be a chair with Lucy's name on in the new Olivier Theatre in case anyone is there. Do look her up, she would be thrilled!

Polly Whyte (Lucy's sister)

Photo provided by Polly Whyte.