Dunhurst class photo 1967-68. Click here to e-mail Trish.
When I left school after disastrous A levels results, I went to teacher training college in Roehampton. Did my three years there and then got a job working with 'kids in care' as a residential child care officer. Decided after a couple of years that that was enough of that and got a job teaching in an International School in Dubai.

Spent a great eight years there and then needed a change..came home for a year and taught in Buckingham, followed by two years in Mexico. Left Mexico declaring that I had had enough of teaching so went and sat in Hawaii for a couple of months. Didn't take long before I was back in teaching again, working in Singapore. Two years there followed by a year out back at college doing an Honours Degree.

After that went to teach in Essex, but after three years decided that I needed to be back overseas again. I am now teaching in Qatar and enjoying that thoroughly. The main 'up side' of being a teacher is that you can travel easily with the job and the main 'down side' is that you can not get back to reunions at the required time!

I was very sorry not to have been able to make the reunion in 1999. There are lots of faces that I would have loved to have seen. Having read just about every word that has been added to 'our' website, memories have flooded back, and many a smile has resulted. I loved Bedales for a lot of reasons, and as a family of four children we have a lot of fond memories of our time there.

I can not say however, that I owe Bedales anything in terms of my academic success, small that it is. I was advised to quit school after O'levels and Miss Proverbs (for those who remember her) advised me to become a child chiropodist, which in itself was quite unexpected. I didn't. I had always wanted to go in to teaching, and it seems I do it quite well.... It took my Dad's nagging for almost twenty years to get me back to college to do my degree, something Bedales left me thinking I could never achieve. I am very interested when I read similar stories, not only in our year, but on other Bedales pages as well.

I am home regularly. I stay with my Mum in Guildford and would love to hear from anyone that would like to get in touch. If you're ever passing through Qatar do drop in.....Trish

Dan R, Willy (R), Dan (DL), Knowly. Photo from Trish.
With Gubb.
Photo from Trish.