At the reunion 2000, with Ryn Gough and Diney Ensor.
Photo by Jamie O.
Click here to e-mail Simone.
Pankor Laut, Malaysia, January 2000.
Before I start, I should say that what terrifies/astounds me is how good everyone's memory is - I hope I am not alone in feeling excited/concerned about how little I can recall...

Unfortunately, all photos etc have been lost in the mists of too many moves and divorcing parents making bonfires etc.

I left Bedales and went to Oxford Poly (as it was then - it is now a University of course) - I thought I was going to be, as it were, Marco Pierre White - not a good move - after a period as a TEFL (Teaching Eng and foreign language) Teacher, I ended up in a succession of jobs, from running a gallery which sold genuine but stolen Art Deco door to door, to Production Manager for a soft (v. soft)-core 'glamour' magazine on videotape (I need really to explain this face to face).

Dec 81 saw me joining Channel 4 - I spent 16 v happy years there in a variety of roles. Having survived the very different regimes of 3 different CEO's, and seeing many of my colleagues drifting away, I decided to leave in '98 to set up my own media recruitment agency.

I am glad to say that this has proved to be very successful.

As far as personal life is concerned ... after a rather tempestous 10 year (off and on) relationship with an eccentric Polish prince, I met Ayhan. We have been married for 4 years and live in Acton/Ealing.

My only contact with any Bedalians has been:

  1. A brief evening out with James (Fred), Harriet (Watson),Carolyn, Jonny, Antony (I think - see what I mean?) about 11 years ago?
  2. Working alongside Peter Grimsdale when he was at C4.
  3. A long friendship with Sophia Paget (Keir) - which started in about '78 - she had 'left' Bedales by the time I got there.
  4. Walking in to a treatment centre for some acupuncture, only to find that the practioner treating me was Mark Preston.

That's all folks for now - I am also attaching some recent photos ... NO, I'm not always on holiday.

P.S. Where is the Harrow? (only joking - sort of).